Wednesday, September 6, 2023

El Camino: Casa Morgade

I misspoke yesterday when I said I was feeling alone. I should have said I was feeling lonely. There is a difference. Today, I walked alone, and was totally content to put one foot in front of the other, not worrying about keeping pace with anyone but myself. 

I got a better night’s sleep last night (a solid four hour stretch), which is directly correlated to my lift in mood, I’m sure. I woke up this morning feeling ready to face my day. In fact, as I started out, I was questioning my decision to cut the walk originally scheduled by the tour company in half, to do the distance over two days instead of one. It seemed like everyone I talked to on the path was going the distance, and not that I’m competitive, but I was feeling a bit of a lightweight. However, by the time I rounded the bend to catch sight of Casa Morgade, I was congratulating myself on my foresight. I’m pretty sure they aren’t passing out any prizes for the quickest finish, and my feet and hips were talking to me with every step.

Fortunately, I recovered quickly - by the time I finished lunch, my feet had quit screaming, though my legs certainly know I covered some distance today. I’m tired, not exhausted, which bodes well for tomorrow’s trek. I hope.

Today’s walk was beautiful. The weather was perfect, in the upper 70’s, with a light breeze. Once out of Sarria, I walked through pastoral countryside on a mostly shaded lane. The path was heavily traveled, but I had enough space to just relax into trail thoughts. That is to say, I have no clue what passed through my mind as I walked.

I was, time and again, aware of the weight of history. I heard echoes of all the footsteps down the years, of those who had trod this path before me, most of them without the support of modern hiking shoes.

Tomorrow, I am slated to walk about the same distance as today. I hope the heaviness in my legs will ease overnight. If not, well, it’ll just take me a greater portion of the day to cover the distance. Not the worst outcome.

Photos: the first section of my portion of the trail; an ancient church along the trail; an equally ancient stone bridge, still fit to be trod; my first view of Casa Morgade

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