Monday, December 5, 2022

Art Show


My friend Rose has a small art gallery set up in the hallways of her church. Each month, she reaches out to yet another of her artistically inclined friends, and asks them if they'd like to show their work in her gallery. She's asked me several times, always I have been reluctant to show my attempts at creating art in a public place, and have declined the opportunity.

But this last time, when she came by for dinner and was enthusiastically looking through the stack of photographs I use to paint from, and asked me, one more time, if I wouldn't just consider putting together a show, I accepted the challenge. I think I'm finally ready to hear what other people think of my photos. (Though not yet the art I create using them. That'll be a while yet.)

So, we got together one evening, and winnowed through the pictures, selecting 25 whose lighting and color tones would work well together in small groups. I sent them to Costco to get enlarged prints, then hopped on to Amazon to find some basic white mats so they could be hung. Once all the piece parts arrived, I spent a couple of evenings assembling the finished art.

This past weekend, I brought the matted prints over to her church to be hung. Her enthusiasm and joy when we were hanging them up were infectious. I found myself looking at my work through her eyes, seeing all of the beauty and none of the flaws. I think it was good for me. I am better at seeing the beauty in the world around me than I am in any of the work I produce with my hands.

The pictures will hang for a month, then we will have a closing party. Where the church will invite people and I will invite people, and I, as the artist, will be the guest of honor, the center of attention. I'm not so sure about that part. I mean, I'll have to meet new people, and Covid has left me socially awkward.  *sigh*

But, I've got to stretch my boundaries some time, and this is a good way to do it. Besides, probably everyone will be busy and there will be just five people there. Maybe. I can hope.

I gotta admit - it feels good to be spoken of as one of 'her artists'. My inner six year-old is pleased with the moniker. Janice Raach, Photographer.  It's got a certain ring to it, no?

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