Monday, May 1, 2023

Change Comes Calling

But, but, but, I only like change when it's change I like!

I have been loving my 8:30 Friday morning yoga class. It's been the perfect way to wind up my exercise week. It gives me a marker for the weekend to come. Jordan has a way of helping me to ground myself in mind, body and spirit. She asks good questions, gives good guidance, and clearly tries to live within the guidelines of the precepts she teaches.

Hers is one of the classes that helped to break me out of my Covid-space; the people there were some of the first to see me, to make room for me, and to welcome me into their circle.

So, it was with some dismay that I listened to her announcement last week at the start of class - this will be our last Friday morning class together. "WHAT??? NO!", my mind shouted so loudly I almost missed her next words. She told us she teaches Level II classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:30, and we would be welcome to join her there if our schedules permit.

And so the mental debate began. (No, it didn't wait until class was over.) There is no real reason I cannot get up earlier and get to her other classes. But one of my favorite parts of retirement is not having to get up to an alarm. But I love her way of teaching, and if I want to continue to learn from her, I will have to change my ways, and get the dog walked and my butt out the door by 7 in the AM of the morning. But I don't wanna!

I needed to choose, and once I calmed down, the choice was clear. Teachers who can feed my body and soul, both, don't grow on trees. Perhaps this is the Universe's way of nudging me to the next level of yoga. Perhaps I can bring my coffee and have my morning quiet time between yoga and my other favorite class, which starts midmorning those same days of the week. Perhaps good things will come from the change. Good things have come from change in my life before, even when I had to be dragged along kicking and screaming. Perhaps it's time to reacquaint myself with the part of myself that actually likes the early morning hush. Perhaps I could just try it.

It can't hurt to try it.

And so, I've spent the weekend mentally preparing for the change. It's not really so drastic - I ONLY have to get up twenty minutes earlier. I can get up 'just' twenty minutes earlier. I mean, it's not like I can't take a nap later in the day if I'm overly groggy. Naps. I like naps. 

OK. I can try it.

Wish me luck.

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