Monday, November 22, 2021

Many Thanks


Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, is later this week. I am looking forward to the weekend - I have a bunch of family coming into town, and someone else is in charge of cooking the main meal. How much better can it get???

And so, I give thanks.

For sunsets. Good Is.

For music - one of the Spirit's ways of helping me get in touch with my soul.

For the park nearby, where I take walks that keep both mind and body on a healthier path.

For those coming to town, to fill my house and heart with life and activity and hugs

For all I have learned from those in my life who have died - they taught me much.

For a snug house, where the heat comes on in the winter, the AC in the summer. I have ways to both cool and heat the food as needed, and hot water comes from the tap on demand. I can wash and dry my clothes without hauling them to the laundromat, and have lights, so I never need to sit in the dark unless I want to.

For my back yard. It's big enough for flowers, which satisfies my need to play in the dirt, but small enough to easily be maintainable. And when I sit on the porch swing and look around, I am content. (Any place where it's easy to find my happy place is a good place. So says me.)

For the gift of time. I've been able to retire while I'm still healthy. (knock on wood.) I am having trouble - mostly thanks to COVID - figuring out just how I want to spend my precious hours, but I am so grateful to have them to spend.  

For my friends, who listen to my joys and woes and give me good advice to help me navigate the ins and outs of life.

For my family. 

My cousins and siblings are a link to my roots, the place from whence I came. 

My children, nieces and nephews, They bring me joy. They let me glimpse the future; the days which will come after my days here are done. 

My grandchildren, hope personified.

For those who faithfully follow these, my weekly musings. Who let me know they value my words; who tell me my voice would be missed if I were not writing. 

For the goodness I find in every day. I've gone through more than one dark valley this last decade. In the darkest days, when I remember to look, I always can catch a glimpse of the stars. When I remember to look, Good is there. Always. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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