Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Good Things

My friend Jean came by for a socially distanced drink a few days ago. She brought a box of ridiculous sunglasses with her, and let us each choose a pair. I got the sunflowers, Rita picked the flamingos, and Joe got the penguins. And, she brought me soap bubbles. I laughed.

When I was driving yesterday, I passed a tall, fifty-something, slightly stooped, white man standing on a street corner. He was dressed in a plain blue shirt and shorts, holding a tray of bubble soap, creating bubbles for the passing cars. No sign, no visible agenda, just iridescent bubbles floating serenely in the air. I laughed.

My daughter's landlord told her on Friday he was going to put his house on the market soon, and she'd need to find a new place to live. She got online, looked at the available options, and found a place that meets all her checkboxes. She visited it Sunday morning, and by Monday night had a signed lease; an amazingly short search time. One less worry.

Young Joe has spoken his first word: Uh-oh. He uses it in a versatile fashion. In his lexicon, it can be a question, a statement, uncertain, definitive, or some combination of the above. I think it's adorable!

My friend Tom has come by several times over the past month to help clean up the assorted piles of trash at the castle. Sometimes, he brings his grandkids, sometimes, he comes alone, always, he brings a cheerful attitude and willingness to haul wheelbarrow loads of stuff to the dumpster. When he helps, I can more clearly see the renovation work will not stretch on forever, even if it feels that way at times.

I had a wonderful visit with my sister in Minnesota last week; got to spend some good time with her, my granddaughter and my daughter. She hosted a socially distanced lunch for us, so I got to see some of my favorite family people. I got some rest, enjoyed exercising in the cool morning air, caught up with people's lives and was able to gain some perspective on the worries of my life. That's a lot of good from one week.

Oh, and she was able to get her massage therapist to come by the house to give me a massage. Wonderful!

I saw my formerly-tortured-by-bedbugs friend this morning. The infestation is finally under control - he hasn't seen any bugs in four or five days. He looks much better; has finally been able to get some good sleep again. (And, I have still found just the one at my house. If there were ever a time to beat the odds, this is it!)

I've been a little down, a lot overwhelmed. But when I stop to look, I find good in each and every day. Not great things - they are small things, even, but they are good things. They give me hope, help me take one more step. I am grateful.

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