Saturday, November 23, 2019

Time Warp

I swear, it just just Monday the day before yesterday, yet my phone insists today is already Saturday. I've noticed this phenomenon time and again over the years. Time speeds by at an ever-increasing rate, laughing at my feeble attempts to embrace today and to stay in the now.

Rumor has it I'm not alone in my time warp. And research even backs me up.

Where has this week gone?

Well, a lot of it went in the direction of Operation DoGooder. The lady at the housing complex where Kevin's application is under consideration continues to work her way through her check list. Several times in the last few weeks, she's run into a obstacles. When she finds a box she cannot check, she calls me up. I run downtown the next day to find Kevin, and take him to do whatever needs to be done to keep the process moving along.

I don't dare procrastinate after she's let me know of a problem. I know places in her building are in demand; she could throw Kevin's application in the dead file and move on in a heartbeat. Fortunately, she cuts us a little slack, and thus far, has been gracious enough to grant us the time required to come up with all the paperwork she's needed - who knew there was such a thing as a letter documenting you are homeless? Paperwork submitted, we are now back in wait mode. Fingers crossed!

There are the hours I lost to watching the sky lighten through the prism of the stained glass in the south window of my bedroom. (Time well spent, just ask me.)

I spent daylight hours on the chores I used to cram into the evening; several evenings, my newly freed time has largely filled itself with solving back editions of the New York Times crossword puzzle. I'm still not convinced it's a good idea to give me limitless access to their archives...

Oh, and walks in the park. I can go for a walk in the park just because I'm restless and need to clear the cobwebs from my brain.

I think my brain is still trying to wrap itself around my newly unstructured existence. It still thinks, if I'm not working at the computer all day, it must be the weekend. It's starting to get a little confused - this past weekend has been going on for some three weeks now. I'm beginning to realize anew that the Universe abhors a vacuum. I think I'd be well served if I learned to guard my hours the same way I guard my monies.

Perhaps I should start a new reflection at night:  Where did I spend my hours today? Did I spend them doing the things I wanted most to do? Did I waste them on the high-calorie, low-nutrition fluff and dandruff offered by internet rabbit holes, or did I spend them deliberately, on the things I wanted most to have done by the end of the day? Did I leave room for fun, for work, for exercise, for friends, for myself? How do I want to spend my hours tomorrow?

The hours I have been given are precious. That I now have the freedom to spend them as my whim moves me still boggles my mind, time warps notwithstanding.


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