Thursday, November 7, 2019

Saturday, again!

I've been in a time warp this past week. Turns out, every day is Saturday.

The first two weeks of retirement went by in a blur as I spent all available daylight hours painting. Then, when I went to Alaska, well, that was vacation, so of course I didn't have to go to work.

This past week, it finally started to sink in - I'm really NOT going back to work. Not tomorrow, not later this week, not next week, not next month.

This past week, I may have been luxuriating a little overmuch as I woke up each morning when the sun came up (and not before!) and went through my mental list of 'things I'd like to get done today'. Every day, I had a list of tasks to get done. Tasks I've been cramming into my Saturdays, since I like to slack off on Sundays, and I didn't usually have the oomph to get much useful work done after I worked all day. Every day, like Saturday's past, I'd get some of the items on the list done; the rest got pushed to my next free day.

The difference is my next free day is now the next day.

I'm liking this.

That's not to say I haven't run into a few glitches. I'm having trouble talking me into turning on the computer to pay my bills, because I can do that tomorrow. Paperwork I managed to keep corralled when I had much less free time is now starting to pile up, because, surely, I'll get to it tomorrow. (Good thing bills have due dates, or I'd never get them paid.)

Laundry is in the same boat; I have clothes for one more day, so it can wait until tomorrow. Turns out, the problem there isn't running out of clothes; it's that my sheets and towels are perhaps not as fresh as they historically were. Fine. I'll do laundry tomorrow.

If every day is Saturday, what happens to my lazy Sundays?  Where do they get to fit in? As much as I don't miss them yet, I think I might need my productive Tuesdays. And Friday evenings. My hang out with my friends night. I KNOW I don't want those to fall by the wayside. Drawing on the wisdom of my friends who have retired before me, I know I'll need to build some structure into my days. It'll be down the road a ways, probably in the spring or early summer.

For now, I'm thoroughly enjoying working around the house. For the first time in ages, I'm crossing things off the list faster than I'm adding items to it! I get to go grocery shopping when Costco is quiet(er), take time for random walks in the park. I've had some time to work crossword puzzles. I used to like crossword puzzles.

The holidays are coming, then I'll spend a couple of months watching baby Joe during the day, after his mom returns to work. After he moves off to 'real' day care, I'll spend some time visiting Kate and Lexi in California.

Which gives me months and months to figure out what shape the structure will take. I figure there's no real hurry - after all, tomorrow's Saturday; I'll have time to ponder the question then.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of like being a kid again on perpetual summer break. Enjoy it. I'm loving it. Even if I don't have the income I once did.
