Last time I brought the Stealthmobile, my beloved 2006 Mustang convertible, in for service, I asked my mechanic, as I always do, if he thought she would still be road-worthy for a while.
"Janice," he patiently replied, "Your car is in decent mechanical shape. But. If this was 1970, that would be a 1950 car. It's running well, but it WILL break eventually. After a car is 20 years old, parts get harder to find. I'm still happy to fix it, but you could be waiting a week or so while I dig up parts, and this is your only transportation. Think about it."
It's been a few months, and yes, I've been thinking. Because as much as I hate to admit it, he was absolutely right.
It's time to move on.
I've gone through most of the phases of grief. (I skipped anger - there's no bad guy in this scenario.)
I jumped straight into denial.
Nah. It's a great car. What does he know? I've had very little trouble with it. It'll be just fine. (Janice, what happens if it breaks down on the road, and parts aren't available??)
OK. I'll get a new car, but there's no reason I can't keep the old one! (Janice, you only drive 6000 miles a year. That's not enough to keep two cars happily running. It's just not. And, if you kept the Stealthmobile, that new car would never get driven. It will not be as fun to drive. You know this. You would own a very expensive paperweight.)
How can it have been 20 years already? Stupid passage of time! I DON'T WANNA have a car payment! I want what I already have (only still new enough to drive for a long time). I'm going to be so sad when spring comes and it's the perfect day, and... the top on the new car will stay right where it is. (All true.)
It's been a great run. I mean, how many people get to drive their mid-life crisis cars for 19 years? Very few. It's time to let someone else have the fun of driving the car. And, you know, when you drive to Minnesota these days, long about hour six, your butt starts speaking to you very unkindly. You WOULD be more comfortable in a vehicle that doesn't sit quite so close to the ground. Perhaps having a bit of cargo space wouldn't be so awful...
I've known for a long time I'd probably be happy with a small SUV, and the new hybrids get decent mileage. I asked the few car guys I know if they had recommendations, and got a unanimous answer. (how often does that happen??) Honda or Toyota.
I went out a couple of weeks ago, test drove the CR-V and RAV4, and picked the CR-V because the seat fit my keister a bit better. (I liked both cars - had to find some sort of tipping point.) Once I'd chosen, I decided to go ahead with the purchase - best to rip the bandaid off quickly - and picked up my new car last week. (Yes, new. The used car market still has very little selection and the cars are almost as expensive as the new versions.)
Which left just one question - what to do with the Mustang?
The dealer, not surprisingly, was unwilling to give me much on trade. I offered it to Joe, who has loved my car as much as I do ever since I bought it right after he left for college, but he doesn't have a garage, and doesn't need another car, and all the practical reasons, so he turned me down. I then asked a couple of car guy friends if they could help sell it, and had it tentatively sold within two days.
But before the deal was signed, Joe came back around. Practical, schmatical. Was it too late to buy the car? I knew Lloyd would be deeply disappointed, but man. I don't care how old he is, Joe is still my kid. So, I backed out of the deal. (I had lunch with Lloyd last week; we're good - he's promised to forgive me. Soon. Once he lets go of the idea of owning the car.)
I had resigned myself to letting go, but have to admit I had tears in my eyes watching the tail lights disappear up the street after Joe came to pick the car up last night. Knowing it was Joe driving did make it easier. He has the skills to keep the car happily purring for a good long time. (a much more affordable pursuit when one doesn't have to pay for the mechanic's labor. )
Goodbye, Stealthmobile! You were the best impractical purchase I've ever made. Thank you for almost twenty years of driving fun; of putting the top down and letting my concerns fly out with the wind.
May you have a long life yet - and may Joe have as much fun driving you as I did.