The ice arrived right on schedule around noon on Saturday, but the weather gods heard my prayers, because it was just a light coating - enough to make walking outside treacherous, but not enough to bring down power lines.
The snow began a few hours later, and flurries continued through the night. I woke up Sunday morning, peered out the window, and thought, "Huh. The storm must have detoured around us." Famous last words.
To the contrary, it was just sleeping in. By noon, I had a nice 5-6" coat of snow, with A LOT more to come in the forecast.
Hmmm. I know I can easily shovel 6" of snow, but 14"? I was guessing somewhere in there my back would decline to participate in the exercise. But, the driveway wasn't going to shovel itself.
Hmmm. There's no rule I know of that says one MUST wait until the snowfall has finished to clear the sidewalks. So I bundled up and went out for a nice little 2 1/2 hour core workout. Fortunately for me, the snow was on the lighter, fluffier end of the spectrum, so I finished up the job in good shape. Of course, by the time I finished the round, the first section I'd shoveled had another 2" of snow down, but I ignored that fact and went inside to admire my handiwork from a warm vantage point, steaming cup of hot chocolate in hand.
I spent the afternoon cuddled up with a book, watching the snow fall. (One of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon. Oh, yeah!)
About an hour before sunset, I figured I'd best get out there again, even though the snow was still coming down strong. This time the snow was even fluffier, which is a good thing, because I was a bit tired from the first round.
As I headed outside, I thought I was going to be miserable in the cold and dark, but was pleasantly surprised to find myself chugging along without a problem. I had the right clothes on, and was moving quickly enough that I wasn't cold. We haven't had a good snowfall in quite some time, so I was enjoying the beauty of the falling flakes, the evening's hush, interrupted only by the sound of the wind gusts. I stopped now and again to admire the diamond glints covering the ground and sparkling in the light of the street lamps.
As I worked, I was afraid I was pushing my limits, and I was right. By the time I was finishing up, another 2 1/2 hours in, my right hip was using only unpleasant words when it spoke to me, and my lower back had given me a final warning - do much more, and you WILL BE SORRY.
I listened.
I stopped working, went inside, grabbed a quick bite, and settled into a well-earned, long, hot bath.
Despite the soak, it took quite a while for my muscles to settle down once I crawled into bed, but I'd worked long and hard enough to fall asleep despite the assorted twinges and aches.
Monday morning's unaccustomed brightness (it snowed!) woke me, and I cautiously rolled over and took inventory. No back twang! Hips, unhappy but moving. Shoulders, tight but ditto. *whew!* I guess I just got paid for all those hours I've spent at the gym these past few years.
This being Kansas City, it'll still be a few days before the streets will be clear enough for my car to get around, but my driveway is ready to go! (Fortunately, I have friends with practical cars willing to help get me where I need to be; Uber makes a nice backup.)
Happy New Year!