Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!


No. Just, no. That was my first thought upon waking up yesterday.

"It can't be the new year yet because I'm not mentally prepared to move on from 2022. I still have thoughts to think, lessons to assimilate, things to finish up!" But, as usual, the calendar cares not a whit for my state of mental and physical preparedness as it inexorably marches on. 

I got out of bed anyways, assembled my morning latte, and sat down with my journal to do a guided reflection of the year past*; a way to put things in order as I gently close the door on what was, and get ready for what is to be.

It helped.

As did taking down the tree last night. The powers that be scheduled the neighborhood tree pickup for today, Jan. 2nd, so the task needed doing. *Harumph! Clearly I'm not the one scheduling these things!* 

I was NOT done enjoying the lights and cheery ornaments on my small Christmas tree. However, a close look at the tree told me that perhaps the tree was done with me, and just maybe the tree-pickup scheduler was not out of line. The tree had started dropping its needles, its once supple branches are now brittle.

As I reluctantly began dismantling the decorations scattered about the house, I turned the Christmas music on. Loudly. I wanted the comforting music to drown out the sadness I felt because the season had (once again) passed too quickly.

It didn't work. The sadness was still there. 

But the music still worked some magic, because somehow, the music made the sadness OK. The Christmas story is not a feel-good tale of sunshine and unicorns. It is a story of light that comes despite the darkness. A testament to hope, anyways.

And I woke this morning ready to embrace that hope.

Happy New Year!

*A New Year's Reflection

10 Highlights - Accomplishments, Best Memories
5 Disappointments - Failures, Missed Opportunities
3 Game Changers - Unexpected things that changed my priorities
3 Areas of Focus - Where did I spend most of my time?
3 Things I Forgot - What did I not get to, despite my good intentions?

Reflect: How does this re-form my plans / intentions for the New Year?

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