Monday, October 12, 2020

Plans? Who Needs Plans?

I retired a year ago. At the time, I was a little concerned because I hadn't made any real plans for how I would spend my time. I'd done a lot of reading on retirement prep, and the consensus there was that winging it is a bad idea.

Hmmm. The consensus didn't take the pandemic into account. Any plans I would have made wouldn't have come to fruition anyways in this topsy-turvy year. 

I spent the first few weeks of my retirement last October finishing up painting the exterior of my house, and visiting Alaska for a friend's daughter's wedding. November and December flew by as they always have, but with less time pressure around getting ready for the holidays. January and February, I enjoyed sleeping in and taking an art class, reacquainting myself with pencil and paper. By March, I was ready to start making some plans. I flew out to California intending to spend a few days on the beach figuring out what I wanted to do next.

Turns out, Covid-19 decided what I wanted to do next was to go into lockdown mode. Instead of spending my California days indolently lounging on the sand, I spent them helping my daughter and granddaughter adjust to staying at home. It wasn't what I'd planned, but I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I came back home at the end of the month to an empty calendar; the classes I'd planned to take had all been canceled.

So, I decided to help Joe and Rita out for a month or so with their castle restoration effort. A month turned into eight, and we're targeting for them to move in the first part of November. (Yes, it's really that close! Not like it'll be done or anything, but most of the second story will be livable and the kitchen and bathroom will be functional. I'm excited for them - it'll be a cool place to live!)

So, here I am. A year into retirement, I am right where I started. I have the same list of perhaps and wishes and maybes I had put together a year ago. Heck, give or take a few items, I have the same list of house fix-it tasks I did then.

But this time around, I'm not as concerned about those non-existent plans of mine. Winging it has served me well. Despite everything, life is good, and I am grateful. 

Instead of fretting about canceled opportunities, I've been taking things one day at a time. I will continue to do so until either the virus catches me despite my precautions, or a vaccine comes onto the scene. I do hope to sign up for some online classes. Rumor has it that I can zoom into any number of yoga and art classes to occupy my mind once I don't have the baby and his parents around to distract me. 

Those comfy jammie pants I bought last year are still serviceable, and I have started to gather a new stack of books to read. That's enough plans for me for now. 

Here's to year 2 of retirement - I'm looking forward to the gifts it will bring!

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