Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lost and Found

look closely - Spring!!!
Things that make me go, "hmmmm....."

I have a collection of earrings I select from each day, as my mood dictates. None were expensive enough for my heart to catch if (when) one gets lost, but all have meaning. Each pair holds within its stones and curves the memory of where and when it joined my collection. Some were gifts, some I bought on my camper van trip, all bring brightness to my days.

I try to take good care with them, but inevitably, I lose one or two a year. I lost one earring in late February, just before I left for California. **sigh**

After I came back from my trip, on my first day back to work, I chose the first pair I'd purchased on my camper van trip. I needed to remember those happy travel days that morning. When I reached to take them out at the end of the day, I found just an empty space where my right earring should have been.

"Dang it! That's two earrings in two weeks! Libby, are you still around?" My Libby tears are still close to my eyes, they leak out at odd times without warning. "Libby, if you're still here, help me to find my earrings!"

I didn't expect a response; I know better. Such arbitrary tests tied to physical objects don't garner results - it's just not the way the spirit world works.

I didn't expect a response, but I got one.

A few days later, I was tidying up my closet and picked up the small dish that I use to hold my earrings at the end of the day. There, tucked beneath the edge, was the first earring I'd lost. I stared in stunned silence. It wouldn't have been so surprising, except I'd have sworn I lost the earring during the day at the office. And, before I left on my trip, I compulsively tidied up the space while making sure I hadn't forgotten anything important. How could I have missed it, even tucked away as it was???

A few of those ever-ready tears escaped their holding place. "Libby, are you near? Are you telling me all is well? Can Love reach across the divide????"

I carefully put the earring away with its mate, not sure what to think.

Two days later, I was putting away the collection of shoes that congregates on the floor of my closet each week. I'd put away my walking shoes, my slippers, the first of the three pair of dress shoes I'd worn that week. I picked up the next shoe to continue my task, and there, on the rug, was the other missing earring, it's green stone glowing up at me as if to say, 'about time you got here'.


This time, more than a few of those tears gushed forth. I'm sure there's a perfectly good logical explanation for how the earrings got to where I found them.

My heart doesn't care. Logic, schmogic.

I asked, I received an answer.

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