Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rain, rain...

White Mountains
New Hampshire

Last night, in Vermont, I met some people who told me the prettiest drive across New Hampshire was using Route 112.

I can't speak for the rest of the roads - but I can't imagine they could be much better than what I saw today.

It rained for my entire drive across the state.  I had to slow down more than usual on the curves;  had more than my usual share of impatient
drivers piling up behind me.  I always pull over when I can, and let them pass.  We're all happier that way.

Though the rain put a real damper on the picture-taking part of the adventure, and obscured some of the better views, in some ways it actually enhanced the beauty of the drive.  The colors were super-saturated; brighter than should be possible. Yellows, golds and oranges glowed in vivid contrast to the gray background of the sky.  Like yesterday, the worst part of the drive was not having someone else to take the wheel, so I could give the view all the attention it deserved.  (and if that's the worst part of my day, I have nothing to complain about!)


Since the rain is supposed to continue through the night, I decided to camp near North Conway.  I didn't realize until I reached the campground that it was near an outlet center.  I'm not much into buying anything these days - you can only fit so much stuff into a camper van, and mine's pretty much packed to its limit - but it did help me while away a few rainy hours, and let me stretch my legs.

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