Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here I Come!

Spring! Kansas City March 2012
Yesterday was my first day at a new job in almost 15 years.  Not that I can really count it as a first day; it was a retreat for the teachers and staff.  I'm glad I went - it was most enlightening to watch their interactions and begin to learn about how the 'play nicely in the sandbox' rules differ (and are the same as) the rules at my old job.

and today doesn't really count either, because I'm going to a local conference on how to integrate technology into the classroom this afternoon.

So, tomorrow will be the first day where I actually show up at the school and see my office and get a PC and a badge and keys and all those things that mark me as a member of the team.

Note to self:  Your energy has limits.  Don't push them two days in a row.  (I pushed them on Tuesday by going for a long walk, and then also trying to run errands.)  You WILL regret it.

Turns out it's a good thing I don't have to be anywhere until after noon today.   I did well all day yesterday; then hit the figurative brick wall as I was driving back and still about 20 minutes from home.  I turned up the radio, focused on my best defensive driving skills, and made it home in one piece.  Once safely inside the door, I promptly took a dose of my migraine drugs, put peaceful music on the stereo to calm my headache, laid back on the sofa - and then it was two hours later.

I went to bed early, and still feel like it's the morning after the night before.  I'm up, I'm moving, but I'm dragging and my energy levels are barely budging the meter.  I've had one cup of coffee; will have another just before I leave for the training session.  I don't think the training will cause any more drains on my energy - it will have none of the intensity and focus on the emotional energy of the people around me of yesterday's retreat.  Still, I'm glad I have no plans for this evening...

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